Monday, March 2, 2009

feeliing scattered

Since my car wreck, I have been so crazy busy. I feel like I am constantly going. I am taking everyone to school in the morning 3 different schools about 10 minutes apart and then I have to take myself to work, back across town. It's been nuts. Then add in 2 girl scouts doing cookie booths at different times ( they have 2 different troops), Jana is also working on her science fair project, and we also have Awana, I have the feeling I may go insane. Hey but other than hearing the words " would you like to buy a box of girl scout cookies" in my sleep I'm fine. Well I have to be brief in my posts for a while, I have tons of laundry to fold and my house is so messy, for some reason it is not cleaning itself. Why can't that be invented? We have self cleaning ovens, why not a self cleaning house! Well I guess that wouldn't be good, how would I get rid of all my aggression when I am mad if I don't have dishes to scrub?

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