Friday, October 10, 2008


Ever have the blahs? I think that is my problem, I feel tired, nothing is exciting to me and I dwell on depressing things. I even find it depressing that I have not much to write about. For those of you following about my grandfather, he has gone to the oncologist and will be having chemo and that's all I know, except it won't be oral it will be IV and that makes it harder for my family. BUT I should have known it would be IV, I mean has anything been easy to deal with so far? Sorry that's the half empty side of my family talking. Well Jeana had a hard week but she seemed in good spirits today because of the apple celebration. Everyone loved the apple bread I made, and that should have made my day, but well it was just OK. Well I have to get going because I need to be on time to pick up Jana because she stayed for quiz bowl. Then we are off to the Library.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm right there with in blah-ville with ya!! I'm hoping fall break this week will kick 'em outta me!